Until now you have been writing JavaScript through NodeJS to make back-end apps and webpack for the front-end. JavaScript is a pretty sweet language with a lot of freedom. You can write your code in all kinds of fancy ways.
All that freedom is nice, but it becomes messy when your code runs into a bug. Javascript is a run-time language too, which means that the language gets compiled when your end-user or customer visits your site. That makes finding bugs even harder.
When you write code in JavaScript there’s nothing to stop you from writing:
function addTwoNumbers(a, b) {
return a + b;
addTwoNumbers('foo', 2);
The code above doesn’t add 2 numbers but instead glues the word foo
and 2
into the weird word foo2
, something you probably didn’t intend to happen.
Sure you could write this:
function addTwoNumbers(a, b) {
// if a is not a number or b is not a number
if (typeof a !== 'number' || typeof b !== 'number') throw "Use numbers!"
return a + b
But that’s a lot of code!
This is where today’s lab starts. Today we’ll be looking into the beautiful world of Typescript.
Does this mean that we’re going to learn an entire new language 😱? Nope! Typescript is a layer on top of JavaScript, It’s basically just JavaScript with a type-system on top providing something we call “type-safety”
New word time! Let’s Wikipedia Type-safety:
In computer science, type safety is the extent to which a programming language discourages or prevents type errors. A type error is erroneous or undesirable program behaviour caused by a discrepancy between differing data types for the program’s constants, variables, and methods (functions), e.g., treating an integer (int) as a floating-point number (float). Type safety is sometimes alternatively considered to be a property of a computer program rather than the language in which that program is written; that is, some languages have type-safe facilities that can be circumvented by programmers who adopt practices that exhibit poor type safety. The formal type-theoretic definition of type safety is considerably stronger than what is understood by most programmers.
Okay, that explanation is waay to long and waay to hard.
Type-safety basically comes down to a languages ability to prevent you from mixing objects of different types together.
A bit like a rather advanced robot preventing you from mixing red socks and a
white shirt in the laundry. Which is totally possible, but you’d hate when it
Typescript prevents you from accidentally mixing strings, numbers and other objects with each other in your code.
Let’s go back to that code-snippet above. In that function we only
wanted numbers to be given to the function right?
So let’s do it the Typescript way:
function addTwoNumbers(a: number, b: number) {
return a + b
From now on this function no longer takes anything else but numbers! When we do send a string, our editor will complain and we can’t turn our Typescript code into JavaScript code anymore until we fix the mistake.
In typescript there are however 2 gotchas:
to a function that only takes numbers
production, your code has already turned into javascript and lost its
type-safety. So you need to “sanitize” (check) the data your users are sending
to you.@type
-files for these plugins that give them type-safety. When
those aren’t available you need to sanitize input and output from and to these
plugins as if they were end-users.Anyway, waay to much talking. Let’s just start. In this lab we’re going to cover the major stuff you can do with Typescript, we’ll build some small stuff and explore the different possibilities.
Until now you’ve been using Atom editor, sublime or (Neo)Vim. Today you are going to have 2 options. 1 easy one, 1 slightly harder.
If you are using my neovim-starter kit, there’s no need to do anything as Typescript support is already included there.
If you want to go the easy way, it’s best to install an editor called “Visual Studio Code”. Typescript was made by Microsoft, when they designed and created the language they made sure that their editor “visual studio code” would work with it out of the box. You can install Visual Studio Code here:
https://code.visualstudio.com/download. On ubuntu, download the “Linux DEB” download and open it.
While Visual Studio Code comes with Typescript support out of the box, it doesn’t lint your code. For that reason make sure to install it. You can do that through this link:
Until now we’ve been using ESLint with “Atom lint”, That plugin is fine, but one of the advantages we get with Typescript is that we suddenly get access to the fast information bonus that comes with compiled languages. So we’ll install a special plugin that not only replaces our editors linter but also gives all kinds of hints while coding.
Open up Atom and go to the settings screen (found under the “file”-menu on Linux or the “Atom”-menu on OSX).
Once there, go to packages, search for “linter” and disable the
and linter
packages if you have them.
You’ll want to keep linter-eslint
and friends around. These plugins will work
fine with the new “Linting” engine we’re installing in a sec. ;)
Then head over to the “install” section in your Atom settings, search for “Typescript” and install “Atom-Typescript - the only typescript plugin you’ll ever need”.
If you’re asked in a bubble (right-top) to install extra stuff, just hit the “OK” button. Installation might take a while.
When that is done look for another package called “atom-ide-ui” and install that too (this replaces the linter stuff you removed earlier).
And then you’re done!
Now that our editor is awesome it’s time to start a new project.
Open your terminal application, cd
to the place where you keep your peojects
and add a new folder there called ts-snippets
$ mkdir ts-snippets
$ cd ts-snippets
Now we’ll install some global dependencies:
$ npm install -g typescript
This command will add the helper tsc
to our computer. It will help us generate
typescript bits and execute the language
Now we need a package.json for our package stuff.
$ npm init
package name: (ts-snippets)
version: (1.0.0)
entry point: (index.js)
test command:
git repository:
license: (ISC)
Cool, we’ll spawn typescript as a dependency in to this project and spawn some basic config. Today we’ll not bother too much with ESLint (or TSLint as it’s called in typescript).
$ npm install --save-dev typescript
$ tsc --init
And we’re done. Lastly we’ll create a new file called index.ts
(not .js
$ touch index.ts
Then open the editor. If you are rocking Visual Studio Code open your project like this:
$ code .
If you’re on Atom you can do the Atom thing
atom .
And that’s it.
Javascript comes with 7 dynamic types:
We’ve been talking about most of them in Lab 1. These so called “dynamic types” are used when JavaScript runs (when Typescript has been turned into JavaScript).
Typescript adds a bunch of so called static
types. These static types are used
for prediction. Static types are not evaluated at run-time (javascript) but
rather while you’re still coding. They will help you by suggesting how you should
write code and they’ll also warn you when you write a bug into your code.
Let’s start typing some of these static types.
Open up index.ts
in your editor and start typing the following:
let isSomething: boolean = true;
Okay, we need to dissect this a bit. When a compiler runs, the Typescript above would be turned into:
let isSomething = true;
So in typescript we just add the : boolean
bit. This is the static type.
Let’s mess with it.
Try to add a new line under our previous line like this:
let isSomething: boolean = true;
isSomething = 'hello';
When you hover over the spelling-error line underneath the code with your mouse you’ll see this
Well that’s going wrong! Typescript doesn’t allow us to assign a string
to a
value that can only contain boolean
or false
Sweet eh?
If we try to assign false
to the variable, our linter shouldn’t complain too
let isSomething: boolean = true;
isSomething = false;
Let’s see how this “compiles”
Visual studio code
In your Visual Studio code editor hit ⌘⇧B
if you are on Mac OSX or [CTRL]⇧B
if you are on Linux or windows, then type tsc
. Select the
option tsc build: index.ts
Atom editor
In Atom type ⌘⇧P
on Mac OSX or [CTRL]⇧P
on Linux, type typescript
. Select the
option typescript: build
. (You can also hit the F6 key to accomplish this)
If that doesnt work or if you are using (Neo)Vim
You can also write tsc index.ts
in the terminal
A new file called index.js
should pop up in your project. Typescript created a
JavaScript file for you from your typescript file.
Let’s stay and continue working in our index.ts
file though.
So we managed to write the static type “boolean”. Let’s see what other kind of types there are
We did this one already
let isSomething: boolean = true;
This one is pretty easy right?
let title: string = 'Some Title';
let content: string = 'some Content';
We can go multi-line on our strings with back-ticks. Back-ticks can also be used to parse information to our strings:
const weather = 'sunyy';
const report = `
Welcome to this evenings weather,
The weather forecast for today seems to be ${weather}
In the above 2 examples I didn’t bother adding : string
. When you
define a variable and immediately put a string in it, then Typescript will be
smart enough to assume that string
is going to be the only type ever used on the
variable. Neat huh? I’ll explain this more a bit later!
let someDecimalNumber: number = 42;
let someBinaryNumber: number = 0b101010; // => 42
let someOctalNumber: number = 0o52; // => 42
let someHexadecimalNumber: number = 0x2a; // => 42
Let’s not use those last two too much though, they are confusing.
Arrays in typescript are commonly written in two ways:
let fruits: string[] = ['apple', 'orange', 'banana'];
let garageObjects: Array<string | number> = ['wrench', 42, 'hammer'];
We commonly use string[]
or number[]
, etc. when an array only contains 1
type of object.
We start to use the alternative Array<string | number>
if an array can
contain multiple types of objects.
This method of <string>
is referred to as an “angle bracket notation”
When we want to work with arrays that contain a specific list of object types we use a Tuple type.
let couchDetails: [string, number, boolean]
couchDetails = ['brown', 40, true]; // Success!
couchDetails = ['red', 40, 'something'] // will fail, the 3rd element should be a boolean
couchDetails = ['gray', 20, false, 3] // will fail, there should only be 3 elements in the array
An enum is basically a list of predefined constants. Like shirt sizes:
enum Sizes {
Sizes.Small; // is 0
Sizes.Medium; // is 1
Sizes.Large; // is 2
You can make an Enum start at a different count like this:
enum Companies {
Google = 1,
Companies.Google; // is 1
Companies.Facebook; // is 2
Companies.Twitter; // is 3
You can also assign other values to Enums
enum Companies {
Google = 'Google',
Facebook = 'Facebook',
Twitter = 'Twitter',
Companies.Google; // is 'Google'
Companies.Facebook; // is 'Facebook'
Companies.Twitter; // is 'Twitter'
We normally don’t really use object, as it’s better to use either Enumerables or “interfaces”. We’ll dive into interfaces in a small bit.
As the name suggests, the any-type is pretty much anything you want. With Any you
can temporarily skip type-safety. If you are working on a new project, you
should probably put a rule in your tsconfig
to block the use of the
any-object. If you are working on translating an old project from JavaScript to
Typescript, you can’t really get away from using any
types here and there from
time to time.
let anyThing: any = 42; // assigned a number
anyThing = 'some string'; // can be reassigned to a string
anyThing = false; // can be reassigned to a boolean
void is when you expect something to be completely devoid of anything. Having a variable be void would be pretty useless, but void is pretty common in functions. Sometimes you want the result of a function to not return anything.
function doSomething(): void {
console.log('I write to console, but return nothing');
these types are very much like each other:
let anUndefinedVariable: undefined = undefined;
let aNullVariable: null = null;
let something: null = undefined;
These two types are however a bit special. If I were to write:
let someString: string;
Then that string would be null until I actually assigned something. So by
default all of the types we’ve seen so far can be null
and undefined
This results into the below being a totally fine thing:
let someString: string = null;
While variables can be empty when we assign them, we probably don’t want to
specifically assign null to our string later. This is why it’s smart to make a
rule in your project’s tsconfig
to block reassigning variables with null.
In many cases, you won’t actually have to type the type annotation. When you write something like this:
let fruit = 'apple';
The type-system will be smart and assume that whatever you’ll assign to that fruit later will probably also be a string
This also counts for default variables in functions:
const fruitLength = (fruit = 'Apple') => {
return fruit.length;
The assignment of = 'Apple'
here tells the type-system that fruit will most
likely always be a string. Aditionally since you’re only returning one variable
(the length of the fruit), which happens to come from a native JavaScript
feature, the type-system will assume that your function always returns numbers
Typescript uses the best common type inference strategy to determine types. When you provide it with an array like this:
someArray = [1, 2, 'someString', 3];
It will infer the type Array<number | string>
, since using that would be more
common than using a tuple ([number, number, string, number]
When mixing and matching object like array above, it’s probably not a bad idea
to not let type interface do its magic for you. Being “explicit” is often better
than being “implicit”.
Earlier I refused to explain you how to use the type object
in favor of
showing you something much better called Interfaces
. Let’s take a look at
interface Animal {
kind: string;
weight: number;
let dog: Animal;
dog = {
kind: 'mammal',
weight: 10,
}; // succeeds
dog = {
kind: true,
weight: 10,
}; // fails, kind should be a string
Additionally you can also use a type alias
to achieve the same:
type Animal {
kind: string;
weight: number;
let dog: Animal;
dog = {
kind: 'mammal',
weight: 10,
}; // succeeds
dog = {
kind: true,
weight: 10,
}; // fails, kind should be a string
They do the same thing, but have slightly different notation. Just choose whatever you like most and stick with it in your projects. It’s best to use only one approach in your projects for the sake of consistency.
If you want to make an interface for an object you’ll only use once in one
function, it’s often best to just use an inline notation
let dog: {
kind: string;
weight: number;
dog = {
kind: 'mammal',
weight: 10,
}; // succeeds
dog = {
kind: true,
weight: 10,
}; // fails, kind should be a string
There can be situations where the generic type of an object doesn’t matter, but the relationship between the given object and the returned objects should be enforced. That’s when we start using Generics. Below an example:
const fillArray = <T>(len: number, element: T) => {
return new Array<T>(len).fill(elem);
const newArray = fillArray<string>(3, 'hi'); // => ['hi', 'hi', 'hi']
newArray.push('bye'); // succeeds
newArray.push(true); // fails, only strings can be added to the array
In the above example the generic type <T>
gets assigned to <String>
, but we
could have written fillArray<Number>(3, 10)
to create a filled array that
would only allowed numbers.
Sometimes we would allow objects to have 2 different types. This is when we use
the Union notation.
A union notation works like this:
let someValue: string | number = 'hello';
someValue = 10 // succeeds;
someValue = false // fails, only strings or numbers can be assigned.
While in union types we would allow the use of only 1 type at the same time, Intersection types can be used to mix and match 2 types together.
interface Tree {
height: number;
kind: string;
interface House {
colour: string;
let treeHouse: Tree & House;
treeHouse.kind = 'Oak';
treeHouse.height = 60;
treeHouse.colour = 'Blue';
treeHouse.name = 'The Fort' // fails, name does not exist on types Tree and House.
Say you’re building a function, but you’d be okay if a parameter is missing sometimes, That’s when optional types are used.
function getTrainTrip(line: number, reservedSeatNumber?: number): void {
if (reservedSeatNumber) {
Welcome onboard of train ${line}.
You have seat number ${reservedSeatNumber}.
} else {
Welcome on board of train ${line}.
You did not reserve a seat, please find a free seat in cariage 3
When specifying a list of parameters in a function, it’s a best practice to put the optional parameters last.
You can also define optional variables in interfaces:
interface Tree {
height: number;
kind: string;
colour?: string;
Here, the order of required and optional variables is not so important, however for the sake of consistency I either sort everything alphabetically or put optional variables last.
Promises are a bit special. A promise starts off and will then resolve
with a result after a while. How would you apply Type-safety to that?
The function below will return a Promise
that in time will return a string
function iWillWait(): Promise<string> {
new Promise((resolve) => {
// timeout of 2000 miliseconds resolving our promise with "Hello!"
setTimeout( () => resolve('Hello!'), 2000 )
We covered a lot of ground again today and you learned an entirely “new” programming language! Sorta…
If you feel like you don’t have the hang of it yet, Google around! The makers of the language and lots of enthusiasts have written countless guides, labs and reviews on Typescript.
From now on, all of the future labs will base off the use of Typescript.
Next week I’ll be in Accra Ghana for a presentation of Serverless. After that we’ll continue do dive into the world of React!
See you next week!
Written on October 12th, 2019 by Peter van der Meulen