The Ecma Natives Learning JS like a boss

This is the Labs page for the Ecma Natives Group formed after Global Code 2019 ended in Ghana. If you want to know more about this project, please refer to the About page in the top.

© Hendrik Peter vd Meulen
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Lab 6: Typically TypeScript

Until now you have been writing JavaScript through NodeJS to make back-end apps and webpack for the front-end. JavaScript is a pretty sweet language with a lot of freedom. You can write your code in all kinds of fancy ways. All that freedom is nice, but it becomes messy when your code runs into a bug. Javascript is a run-time language too, whic... Read more

Accra Meetup

This is not a lab, but rather a notification and inspirational for those interested. I’ll be in Accra for 2 weeks between the 13th and 25th of October. And I’m not leaving before we have had an awesome meet-up! So my plan is to do a workshop with you on the 19th of October from 17:00. The program for the evening is: Opening with Mingle, dr... Read more

Lab 5: Front-end flatland

Last week we worked on making a back-end with an HTML-only front-end. This week we continue making an awesome front-end. We’re not going to bother to much with CSS and style (since this is a JavaScript lab), but we’ll look at the following things today: Debug things Manipulating HTML Talking with back-end APIs without refreshing pages ... Read more

Lab 4: You got served... some html

After weeks of hurting your head on the basics of JavaScript it’s time. WE’RE BUILDING WEB-APPS BABY! Okay enough hype already. This week we’ll: Create a full-fledged back-end server on NodeJS Create a front-end from simple HTML (We’ll take the JS bits next week) That’s pretty cool huh? Let’s go over each of them. The back-end ser... Read more

Lab 3: This is a test

This lab is the third and last in a series of labs where we don’t build anything too awesome, but instead look at some fundamental building blocks. In our first lab we covered the basics of types and last week you got to look at classes. That leaves test driven development. You might have heard this term if you work with computer science. Test ... Read more

Lab 2: Stay Classy

This lab is the second in a series of three labs where we don’t build anything awesome yet, but instead look at some of the fundamental building blocks of the language. Last week you did a lot of things with the different simple object types in JavaScript and next week we’ll cover some basic Test Driven Development (aka TDD). This week however w... Read more

Lab 1: The basics of Awesome!

Let’s rub those hands together, after last weeks introduction and installation it’s about time we got real! In this lab we’re going to look at some basic constructions of the JavaScript Language. We’ll dive a bit into the different object types available in the language, some conditional stuff and functions. You’ll notice that we’re covering a... Read more

Lab 0: The history of JavaScript and installation

Lab number zero. That sounds a bit weird right? In this lab we’re not going to do too much. Instead I’ll talk a bit about the history of the web, JavaScript, some of the politics that created the community we have today and then I’ll help you setup an environment so we can start developing stuff in Lab one. JavaScript is an prototype-based o... Read more